Patrick Mugirwa

Mr. Patrick Mugirwa is a Development Economist by training, with special interest in reproductive health, family planning, population and development.  He is currently the Programme Manager for Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO). Mr. Mugirwa has over 15 years of experience in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating advocacy programmes in the areas of reproductive health, family planning, HIV/AIDS, population and development. He has consistently and strongly advocated for these issues at various levels and has endeavored that reproductive health, family planning, population and development remain high on the development agenda.

Mr. Mugirwa holds a post graduate diploma in Project Management from Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands; as well as a bachelor’s degree in Economics and a master’s degree in Economic Policy and Planning both obtained from Makerere University, Uganda.

+256 (772) 776775
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Programme Manager
Partners In Population And Development Africa Regional Office
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